Translator Revolution jQuery Plugin


  1. Translate Albert.

    • Select available languages using the following setting: languages
      Specific areas of the web page can be translated using the following setting: targetSelector
      Show and hide the restore link using the following setting: restore
      Specific the flags images location folder using the following setting: flagsFolder
  2. Translate Albert. Then reload the page for automatic translation.

    • Automatic translations are possible using the following setting: cookie
      Show and hide languages names using the following setting: names
  3. Translate Albert.

    • Show and hide languages flags using the following setting: flags
      Specify a custom separator between the languages using the following setting: separator
  4. Translate Albert.

    • Display languages short names (codes) using the following setting: shortNames
      Change the side of the loading animated image using the following setting: loadingClass
      Change the side of the completed image using the following setting: completedClass
  5. Translate Albert. Custom translator.

    • An existent HTML code can be recognized by the plugin:
      <div class="my-translator">
          <a href="javascript:;" title="Spanish" class="translator-language-es">
              <img src="translator-lite/images/Spanish.gif" alt="Spanish" />Spanish
          <a href="javascript:;" title="English" class="translator-language-en">
              <img src="translator-lite/images/English.gif" alt="English" />English
          <span class="hidden restore-container">
              <a href="javascript:;" title="Restore" class="restore">Restore</a>
  6. How hard is to get this working?

    • Actually, It's pretty easy. All these translators are generated with only a couple lines of code, for instance:
    • $(".translator").translator({
          flagsFolder: "/images/translator/",
          targetSelector: "body",
          excludeSelector: ".dont-translate",
          shortNames: true,
          cookie: false